Intuition: A Love Song to Yourself (part 1)


When was the last time you sang a song by yourself and to yourself? Where were you the last time you looked in the mirror and wished yourself well in a way that sent a tingle up your spine and planted a broad smile across your face? Yeah, it’s been a while.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle and somewhere in the chaos of life you forgot about the most powerful thing you possess…yourself. Learning to love yourself and developing a deeper understanding of yourself is a journey closely connected to your willingness and ability to engage in intuitive learning.

The beauty of this concept is that it’s a journey that can take you to heights that you’ve never imagined. I do not pretend to know the inner workings of your heart, soul, and mind. I can only offer insight into how to you can reawaken the connection with yourself.

What is intuition?

Intuition is “knowing without knowing”. It is not consciously calculated. It is the “gut instinct” your uncle told you to trust once when you confided in him. If you are wondering if you ever had intuition or where it went, rest assured that it is always there. It’s an internal resource we all possess, whether we realize it and utilize it or not.

Counselors may encourage you to listen to this voice in your head (and might discourage from listening to other thoughts and promptings). Something as small as a whisper may grow into a discernible nudge as you become attuned with yourself. You may now be thinking “Why should I learn to listen to myself?” I say… because no one else truly can and you’re completely worth listening to.

One of my favorite meditative practices (by Sarah Blondin) starts with “I love you. I am listening.”. Initially, I wondered how this soothing lady could know me well enough to love me. It was truly awkward. However, as I continued listening I realized she was not saying those words to me but that she was conversing with herself.

She was welcoming her truest state in with love and acceptance. I find it hard to think of sweeter words. This affirmation of self-love is simplistic but gets to the core of reawakening our intuition. If you are struggling with finding your inner voice, you may find it easy to start with this simple declaration of self-acceptance.

Where is intuition located?

So now you have a way to introduce self-love and begin to strengthen your intuition. You may be wondering where your intuition resides. Is it in your gut or maybe deep in your head? I am going to go out on a limb and say both in a figurative sense.


However, from a physical and biological perspective, intuition lies in the brain’s right hemisphere. This hemisphere is responsible for your imagination, creativity, and emotional intelligence. The left hemisphere is responsible for your comprehension, language, and analytical thinking. The brain waves of the right hemisphere (alpha type) are significantly slower than those in the left. Which makes sense because it’s hard to use your imagination or be creative when your brain is rapidly firing away.

How can you access your intuition?


Deeply experiencing your alpha brain waves has a lot of benefits. This is where you can enter into a meditative state which in turn can reduce stress levels. This state is where you truly relax and can engage in present and mindful living. This is where you access your truest and most authentic forms. Once you are able to produce this state of mind, say hello to yourself. And be nice!

This state may be most noticeable when you first open your eyes in the morning and your body lays resting in the sheets. You might also feel it while listening to your favorite song, daydreaming, or reciting a warm affirmation while engaging in meditation. This altered state charts a clearer path to our intuition and reorients us to a potential journey of transformational self-love.

Final thought

By reading this blog post you have already begun your journey to deeper soul care and more accessible intuition. You have primed your subconscious awareness to begin seeking a new rhythm more actively. This journey to deeper peace and understanding is not meant to feel daunting. Intuition does not bring confusion but clarity and tapping into yours will lead to mental and emotional growth. It is a declaration of “I love you. I am listening.” in its highest form.

In the second part of this blog post, I will explain how you can recognize and begin to listen to your intuition. Please reach out to me directly if you would like to dive deeper into how you can connect with yourself and tap into your intuition in more meaningful ways.


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Intuition: A Love Song to Yourself (part 2)